Hye, strangers nice to meet you ^^

Friday, 23 September 2011


assalamualaikum! Dah dah lah mengata orang ce bawak berzikir plak....Entry kali nie mmg nk BEST....Mestilah best sbb ALIYA ILLYANI yg tulis.Nak story sikit pasal sesetengah orang yang menggunakan FB,TWITTER,BLOG dan teknologi yg laen2 untuk MENGATA ORANG!
Iyer mengata ataupun gossip adalah DOSA BESAR!

Kalau orang tu berani mesi dia akan face to face cakap dengan orang yang dier tak puas hati tu kan?Setakat tulis kat blog,Facebook mencarut sana mencarut sini pew barang BRO?!(INI BUKAN MAIN-MAIN INI SERIUS, IYER ALIYA ILLYANI ANAS TULIS NIE SAMBIL DAHI KERUT-KERUT)
Kalau tak puas hati,rasa iri hati,rasa nak lempang dan rasa serba salah apa kata kita pegi dekat orang tu cakap depan-depan.....

Barulah dikatakan anda BERANI MATI dan semestinyer KALIS MAKI?Tak gitu MAK JEMAH!Biasalah manusia takkan duduk senang kalau tengok orang lain berjaya.....Maklumlah manusia kan kuat dengki,hati busuk lebih baik kawan dengan binatang sekurang-kurangnya binatang tak boleh bercakap lantaklah kita buat apa pun dia tak kisah...

Sudah-sudah lah tu mengata,mulut tak penat kew?Tak rasa banyak dosa kew?Tak ke takut MATI?Manalah tahu tengah mengata orang tiba-tiba TUHAN tarik nyawa kan mati dalam keadaan mengutuk? Ish2 nauzubillah....Orang cipta teknologi untuk bagi kita senang,selesa bukan untuk kita gunakan untuk bergossipan atau pun mengutuk orang lain....


kau kutuk aku?ADA AKU KESAH!!!

Friday, 16 September 2011

Shoot For The Moons,Even If You Miss.You'll Land Among The Stars...

The title for this entry is quiet long,but so meaningful right?When I was a kid,my hobby is watching the stars..I loves doing that,especially when i'm sleepy and i need my mom or I miss someone.I would always sing a song  everybody knows about this song...Twinkle twinkle little stars...I miss that moment! Watching stars can make me calm and smiles for no reason.Stars are so bright and beautiful.

Stars are the most loyal friends i ever had.Since i was a baby till now i'm 18 years old already,and stars are always there for me. One day i try hard to figure out what's stars made of.Because they are so attractive and can always makes me happy.I decided to ask my mom.My mom replied.Stars are our love one, who died and leave us.They are watching us because they can't leave us. Started from that day i decided to look at the most shiny stars among the stars..

There you go,it's my grandma who would always watch me.I miss her so much.She's the best grandma i ever had.She is good at cooking! Now i realised that my grandma is always watching me from the sky.Because i know that she loves me so much that's why she can't leave me and decided to be the stars...


Thursday, 15 September 2011

You Won't Know If You Don't Feel it....

I wonder how would it feel if i have to die tomorrow.....I would absolutely feel sad,cry non stop and hugging my family non stop.Well,that's life.We can't deny it and we have to face it no matter what.I would always pray to Allah,please take me and let me go first.Please don't take my sisters,my dad or my mom.I know i'm not strong enough to keep strong and i'm not like my other siblings.My heart are so fragile,and i know i won't be good enough and can't live without these awesome people who would always be by my side when i need them the most...

Sometimes,i would stare at my mom's face.I just feel calm when i did that.Yes,it's true.Believe me!Stare at her and think about loosing her somedays makes me feel terrible....This is unbearable,i have no idea on how to keep my heart strong if i have to see her go first.GOD,maybe i'll change myself to be a different kind of ALIYA,or maybe i'll die with her....I hope so...

About my HERO,my dad.....Well to be honest he's my best friend....The best father i ever have.We share the same interest.CARS!Well.I'm a girl,who said that girl won't know anything about cars? We would always laugh and fight.....Abah won't say he loves me and i know that deep in his heart there's a place where i belong there...Abah can do almost everything.....Repair the pipe,door,car,fan and many more he's the superb dad!

My heart is empty when they are not around...About my eldest sister....Along which is quiet childish...She's 26 already and gettin married!But she would pull my hair and kick my leg when we are fighting....S00oo funny!She is so funny,pretty and quiet fat! Teheeeee...She is my sister for life...

Angah is my second sister..She is so pretty and clever!So clever(macam conan)Well she's the best kakak i ever have....She is so funny,likes to tease me and would always remember me where ever she go i know that please don't deny it ANGAH...So many thing that i love about angah n my along they are my best friend my true friend...




Saturday, 10 September 2011


hye SALAM semua! Dah habis beraya?Entry kali nie nak cakap pasal PETKNODE..mesti semua dah tahu pasal kekejaman yang dilakukan terhadap kucing-kucing yang kononnya dijaga dengan baik di PETKNODE.

Even masa ALIYA ILLYANI ANAS tengok owner PETKNODE nieh rasa macam nak lempang dia laju-laju.What are you made of dude?Binatang pun ada perasaan kenapa kau buat macam tu?Gilalah!Kalau dah rasa kau tak boleh nak jaga kenapa kau terima jugak kucing-kucing yang dihantar tuh?Nak cari masalah?Ke kau dah giler hilang akal?

Sedih,tengok kucing yang terbiar dalam kedai tuh ntah berapa hari tak makan n minum....Langsung tak dijaga,taik merata-rata it was a HELL for sure!Kenapalah manusia sanggup buat macam tu pada binatang?Tak ada hati?Tak ada perut?

tengok kucing nieh sampai kurus jadinyer...Auhh sedihnyer :(

mak n anak mati  sambil pegang tangan,siannyer i'm speechless...RIP

comot n kotor mesti dier lapar!

nielah owner PETKNODE tuh TAK GUNA!GO TO HELL!

they were trying to save their cats!

Nasib baek tak hantar apple kat sana,kalau tak aku bako umah shahrul bengong tuh!

Mungkin pekara nie nampak macam kecil,tapi hakikatnya menunjukkan sikap manusia yang semakin hari semakin teruk!Have some mercy.....

Thursday, 8 September 2011

I'm ok and I'm fine

Hello everybody?How's your day? Ha mulalah tu nak kutuk-kutuk kata belagak cakap Omputih mata tak biru pun?

Inilah masalah segelintir masyarakat Malaysia yang tak suka apabila orang Melayu 'berspeaking'.....Walaupun tujuan asalnyer bukan nak menunjuk tapi cuma nak mempertingkatkan atau memperkasakan bahasa Inggeris tersebut.....Baiklah kawan-kawan,saya sedia tahu BAHASA MELAYU adalah LINGUA FRANCA kita tapi pa salahnya kalau kita bercakap menggunankan bahasa Inggeris?Saya fikir tidak ada apa salahnya?

Ok statement tuh macam poyo sikit kan?Tulah cakap bahasa Melayu baku salah,cakap Bahasa Inggeris pun salah habis nak cakap Bahasa apa?Korea?Jepun?Vietnam?Kalau ikutkan hati nak cakap TAMIL biar semua orang tengok.....

Kenapa kalau seseorang tu bertudung,cakap Bahasa Inggeris akan dipandang serong merong?Salah grammer ke?Mak cik boleh betulkan? Rileks lah janganlah emosional sangat......Janggal gile pakai bahasa baku!Tak salah kowt kalau kita nak mencuba,asyik tengok omputih jew cakap Bahasa Inggeris kite pun nak jugak....Lagipun Bahasa Inggeris boleh digunakan dimana-mana sahaja....Bukan nak cakap Bahasa Melayu tak penting,sangat penting....

Tak iri hati ke tengok kawan-kawan kite yang lain boleh bertutur Bahasa Inggeris dengan lancar?Bukan nak menunjuk tapi cuma satu kelebihan bila kita nak temu duga masa kerja atau mana lah tahu kalau suatu hari nanti ada mat saleh tanya direction kat kita...Ok salah cakap tanya arah pada kite...?

Yes,no, thank you,Alright?Takkan itu jew yang kita tahu?Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris masig-masing mempunyai kepentingan tersendiri...Tidak semestinya kita rakyat Malaysia tidak boleh bertutur Bahasa asing....

Jom gelak guling-guling......

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


The old man turned to me and asked
"How many friends do you have?"
I have 10 or 20 friends and I
 named off just a few...
He rose quite slow with effort
And sadly shook his head

"A lucky child you are
To have so many friends," he said
But think of what you're saying
There is so much you do not know
A friend is just not someone
To whom you say "Hello"

A friends a tender shoulder
On which to softly cry
A well to pour your troubles down
And raise your spirits high
A friend is a hand to pull you up
From darkness and despair...

When all your other "so called" friends
Have helped to put you there
A true friend is an ally
Who can't be moved or bought
A voice to keep your name alive
When others have forgot

But most of all a friend is a heart
A strong and sturdy wall
For from the hearts of friends
There comes the greatest love of all!!!
So think of what I've spoken

For every word is true
And answer once again my child
How many friends do you have???
And then he stood and faced me
Awaiting my reply
Softly I answered
"Only 1"

Thursday, 1 September 2011


ALIYA ILLYANI ANAS rasa macam nak ganti REZA bila tegok bideo nieh astagfirullahhalazim!
Allah! giler tak besh kalau lah aku jadi Reza dah macam orang giler dah walayeh 2am tuhhh hahaha pe2 pun 2am sporting habehhh......Reza belajar lah bahasa KOREA sebelum nak interview tuh okayyy...

yang nieh 4MINUTES alahai chumelnyer hyuna! Nasi lemak? No food? ahahahha 
saya cinta kamu at least she try her best lah kan,well tak kisah la apa-apa pun orang KOREA dah pandai cakap malaysia....Giler excited!

hahahha kelakar giler yang nieh at least kiter tau yang dyeowg pun sukakan kiter so sweet oppa sign~hahaha of course we are dying for you and keep learning korean language just for you kyahhhhh
